Sunday, May 11, 2008

Iron Man and Cloverfield

I saw two movies this weekend. Iron Man and Cloverfield.

E and I were able to put the kids to bed and E's sister's house and catch a late viewing of Iron Man. Frankly it's awesome. I don't much like reading comic books and the only Iron Man I've ever read is from the early issues of the Ultimates. But having a suit that does all those things was really cool to me as a kid. Who wouldn't want an Iron Man suit?

Cloverfield I saw on DVD while E was doing some shopping. This is one of the scariest movies I've ever seen. The filming style was completely disorienting and made it so that I, as the viewer, could never really figure out what was going on. My heart was thumping and I was gripping the arms of my chair.

Both movies are rated PG-13 and rightfully so.

Anyway, if you wait until after the credits in Iron Man you will see a scene that foreshadows where Marvel Studios is taking their movies. Imagine a whole series of movies that are both individual and tie in to the greater Marvel universe.

I've always thought a movie about the Avengers would be impossible. There're too many characters and too many famous people that play those characters. I would only be interested in such a movie if it was more in line with the Ultimates (a modern retelling of the Avengers) rather than the Avengers as they first appeared in all their comic book campiness back in the '60s.

What form will Marvel's Avengers movie take?
Well, here's the original Nick Fury:

Here's Ultimate Nick Fury:

Look familiar? Well, they got Samuel L. Jackson to show up in the Iron Man movie as Nick Fury. So I'm thinking Ultimates is where the Avengers movie is going.

If you look at Marvel's movie plans there's another Hulk movie out this year and down the way they are planning another Iron Man movie, a Thor movie and a Captain America movie. Well guess who the Avenger's starting line up is? Finally in 2011, after all these movies have been release we're supposed to get an Avengers movie.

I can't wait.

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