Monday, May 5, 2008

I'm, Like, Totally Offended!

...Okay, not really.

There are two great ideas I try to live by. One is: "I could be wrong." I learned this is an important outlook while serving as a missionary. If I expected people to change their life view, than I should be willing to change mine. I shouldn't smugly accept the fact that I was living the best of all possible worlds.

This blog is for me to post my opinions without sugar coating them. I accept the fact that my view may be narrow focused, misguided or simply wrong. That's why I like people to post with their ideas.

I want to thank everyone for posting on my blogs. When people want to comment, discuss or provide opposing arguments to my opinion, that's awesome.

But I am going to have to insist that people not put "I hope I didn't offend anybody" disclaimers in their posts. It's annoying.

An individual being honest with their opinions does not constitute offensive content just because it might differ from someone else's. I don't think anyone who has ever posted on this blog means to offend or be disrespectful.

If I think someone is being mean, I'll contact them about it. If you read something that is offensive, feel free to bring it up with the individual who posted it or with me and we can talk about it.

Oh, and I'm not sorry if I offended anyone.*

*Please don't make a habit of posting this kind of disclaimer either.

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