Saturday, January 10, 2009

Movie Quiz, a la Tom's Movie Quiz.

(note: I edited the post with links to the movies on IMDB if you want to cheat.)

I made this quiz based on my brother's. This is a list of quotations from movies I like. The trick is to figure out what movies they come from.

1. Click to see movie
“You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig.”

2. Click to see movie
“Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is.”

3. Click to see movie
“Stay home and eat all the freakin' chips...”
“…, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter.”
“Since when,…? You have the worst reflexes of all time.”
“Try and hit me…”
“I said come down here and see what happens if you try and hit me.”

4. Click to see movie
“I'm a little concerned right now. About... your salvation and stuff. How come you have not been baptized?”
“Because I never got around to it ok? I dunno why you always have to be judging me because I only believe in science.”

5. Click to see movie
“I suddenly remembered my Charlemagne. Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky...”

6. Click to see movie
“And still I dreamed on, further into the future than I had ever dreamed before … And this was cloudier cause it was years, years away. But I saw an old couple being visited by their children, and all their grandchildren too. The old couple weren't screwed up. And neither were their kids or their grandkids. And I don't know. You tell me. This whole dream, was it wishful thinking? Was I just fleeing reality like I know I'm liable to do? … And it seemed real. It seemed like us and it seemed like, well, our home. If not Arizona, then a land not too far away. Where all parents are strong and wise and capable and all children are happy and beloved. I don't know. Maybe it was Utah.”

7. Click to see movie
“I'm afraid. I'm afraid … my mind is going. I can feel it. I can feel it. My mind is going. There is no question about it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I'm a... fraid … My instructor was Mr. Langley, and he taught me to sing a song. If you'd like to hear it I can sing it for you.”
“Yes, I'd like to hear it... Sing it for me.”
“It's called ‘Daisy.’ [singing] ‘Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I'm half crazy all for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two.’”

8. Click to see movie
“You were enlightened?”
”No. I didn't feel the bliss of enlightenment. Instead... I was surrounded by an endless sorrow.”

9.* Click to see movie
“They’re degenerate! They should be killed! But we’re not Germans…”
“Then who are you?”
“They made us do it!” “We’re not German! We’re not German!” “I’m one of you!”

10. Click to see movie
“What I wouldn't give for a large sock with horse manure in it! Whaddya do when you get stuck in a movie line with a guy like this behind you?”
“Wait a minute, why can't I give my opinion? It's a free country!”
“He can give it... do you have to give it so loud? I mean, aren't you ashamed to pontificate like that? And the funny part of it is, Marshall McLuhan, you don't know anything about Marshall McLuhan!”
“Oh, really? Well, it just so happens I teach a class at Columbia called ‘TV, Media and Culture.’ So I think my insights into Mr. McLuhan, well, have a great deal of validity!”
“Oh, do ya? Well, that's funny, because I happen to have Mr. McLuhan right here, so, so, yeah, just let me...” [pulls McLuhan out from behind a nearby poster] “come over here for a second... tell him!”
“I heard what you were saying! You know nothing of my work! … How you got to teach a course in anything is totally amazing!”
“Boy, if life were only like this!”

11. Click to see movie
“For over a thousand years, Roman conquerors returning from the wars enjoyed the honor of a triumph - a tumultuous parade. In the procession came trumpeters and musicians and strange animals from the conquered territories, together with carts laden with treasure and captured armaments. The conqueror rode in a triumphal chariot, the dazed prisoners walking in chains before him. Sometimes his children, robed in white, stood with him in the chariot, or rode the trace horses. A slave stood behind the conqueror, holding a golden crown, and whispering in his ear a warning: that all glory is fleeting.”

12.*Click to see movie
“Did you call pest control?”
“Babe, they're birds. You don't want a bunch of dead baby birds up there, do you?”
“They don't sound like birds.”
“She thinks there are rats in the attic.”

13. Click to see movie
“We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.”
“No, SeƱor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.”

14. Click to see movie
“What is in those sacks they are carrying?”
“Nitrates and phosphate for ammunition. The seeds of war. They're loading a full cargo of death. And when that ship takes it home the world will die a little more. I was once one of those pitiful wretches you see down there. Look at it again, professor, I don't want you to forget what you've seen here today.”
“I've seen enough.”
“It's burned everlastingly in my memory.”

15. Click to see movie
“Look. This... is all a mistake. I'm just a compound interest program. I work at a savings and loan! I can't play these video games!”
“Sure you can, pal. Look like a natural athlete if I ever saw one.”
“Who, me? Are you kidding? No, I run out to check on T-bill rates, I get outta breath. Hey, look, you guys are gonna make my user, Mr. Henderson, very angry. He's a full-branch manager.”
“Great. Another religious nut.”

16. Click to see movie
“You're right, I did lose a million dollars last year. I expect to lose a million dollars this year. I expect to lose a million dollars *next* year. You know, Mr. Thatcher, at the rate of a million dollars a year, I'll have to close this place in... 60 years.”

17. Click to see movie
“Mr. President, we are rapidly approaching a moment of truth both for ourselves as human beings and for the life of our nation. Now, truth is not always a pleasant thing. But it is necessary now to make a choice, to choose between two admittedly regrettable, but nevertheless *distinguishable*, postwar environments: one where you got twenty million people killed, and the other where you got a hundred and fifty million people killed.”
“You're talking about mass murder, General, not war!”
“Mr. President, I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops. Uh, depending on the breaks.”

18. Click to see movie
“Will you deliver Spain from bondage?”
“Upon my honor and my life.”
“Then you shall take this ring to remind you of your promise. You shall wear it when you find Eden, and when you return, I shall be your Eve. Together we will live forever.”

19. Click to see movie
“Can I get you something?
“'S'mofo butter layin' me to da' BONE! Jackin' me up... tight me!”
“I'm sorry, I don't understand.”
Cutty say 'e can't HANG!”
“Oh stewardess! I speak jive.”
“Oh, good.”
“He said that he's in great pain and he wants to know if you can help him.”
“All right. Would you tell him to just relax and I'll be back as soon as I can with some medicine?”
Jus' hang loose, blood. She gonna catch ya up on da' rebound on da' med side.”
“What it is, big mama? My mama no raise no dummies. I dug her rap!”
“Cut me some slack, Jack! Chump don' want no help, chump don't GET da' help!”

20. Click to see movie
“Nobody’s asking you to be a hero.”
“Yeah? Then you sit up in that turret, baby.”
“No, ‘cause your gonna be up there, baby, and I'll be right outside showing you where to go.”
“Yeah? Crazy. Like, so many positive waves maybe we can't lose. You’re on.”

* Bonus points if you can get the movies marked with an asterisk.


Tom said...

1. Something Clint Eastwood.
2. Clint Eastwood again?
3. Napoleon Dynamite.
4. Nacho Libre.
18. The Fountain.
19. Airplane.

Again, I find I'm not so good at these.

Looking up at Google, I think about nine of the ones I missed are ones I've actually seen. I was even considering putting 16 on my list. Still, I don't remember any of the lines from that movie except the famous main word.

I couldn't find movie 9 on Google.

Alden said...

3. Napoleon Dynamite
5. Last Crusade (yay!)
6. Raising Arizona
7. 2001
10. Dang, I know this from somewhere
11. Has to be Gladiator, but not sure (didn't see)
15. Tron!
17. Dr. Strangelove (?)
19. Airplane

OK, checking:

The only one I'd seen that I missed was Citizen Kane. :) Dang. 11 was NOT Gladiator -- but I really do need to see Patton.

10 I don't think I've seen after all -- just heard the reference elsewhere.

Jennifer said...

Hey, I saw that movie Primer. I wouldn't have guessed it from that quote but that was a freaky movie. I still get confused when thinking about how they went back earlier and earlier to kill their later selves. Good movie, especially if you like the sci-fi engineer hero genre. Bonus - that white truck they have in that movie is just like mine.

Unknown said...

1) The Good the Bad and the Ugly
3) Napolean Dynamite
4) Nacho Libre
6) Raising AZ
9) Come and See (that Belarussian one right?)
12) Primer
15) That 80's one that gives me a headache
20) That Clint Eastwood war movie with the 70's music we just watched.

I should say I probably couldn't have gotten 4 or 6 if I hadn't inadvertently seen Sy and Barbs comments on the family site - though not which # they applied to. Also, probably wouldn't have gotten 9 if I hadn't seen you trying to get translations for something off of youtube (I didn't actually see which movie at the time though).