Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Movies Stink but...

Here's my opinion about movies: they are one of the weakest forms of art imaginable. They require tons of effort for a limited, constrained product. There's a tedious temporal limitation on how the information is presented and visual mediums, in general, are so highly subjective as to be meaningless.

I should probably expand these ideas so they make more sense, but instead I am going to list the movies I'm dying to see this up coming year. Oh, the irony!

1. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
2. Hellboy 2
3. Batman: Dark Knight
4. Cloverfield

Some movies I'm curious about:
1. Iron Man
2. Hulk 2
3. Persepolis

If it's not a good art form, I say go for the low-brow stuff because at least it's sensational!

1 comment:

Tom said...

Just found your new blog. Added it to my Google Reader subscriptions. And I do still like movies myself. Maybe because I don't often spend enough commitment to read books. I did just read one on Martin Luther that I found at the library ( Everyone has a bias, though, that's for sure. My current library book is on California history from before the gold rush (